Serial Entrepreneur, Innovator, Executive President of José Neves Foundation
Carlos is the cofounder and Executive President of Fundação José Neves. With a professional path related with economy, innovation and entrepreneurship, was Secretary of State of Entrepreneurship, Competitivity and Innovation, in the XIX Constitutional Government. Was also advisor at the European Innovation Council (EIC), between 2016 and 2021, being the only Portuguese representative.
At the age of 22 he founded his first company, Mobicomp, that would be acquired by Microsoft in 2008. With an entrepreneur spirit, have cofounded and invested in several startups as Automaise, iMobileMagic, Asap54, PeekMed, Cardmobili, among others. Was condecorated as Oficial da Ordem de Mérito by the late President of the Portuguese Republic, Jorge Sampaio