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European Commission, CDMA, Rue du Champ de Mars 21, 1050 BrusselsEurope HouseHotel IvanHyatt Regency Sofia Latvian Embassy to BelgiumMetropol Palace Hotel, Lavender HallNCSR DEMOKRITOSNorth light buildingOnlinePulse FoundationRimini Expo Centre, ItalySofia Tech Park HotelSomewhereSomewhereSpain Pavilion at Dubai Expo 2020Sparks MeetingTechsylvania, Cluj Innovation ParkThe Hive HotelTour & taxisTour&Taxis - SHED 1WrocławToggle dropdownSelectToggle dropdownSelect all (33)Ahoy X WLOUNGE HouseAlbert Borschette Congress CenterBerlaymont press cornerBPI France, Paris, FranceBpifrance HaussmannBrusselsChișinău ArenaCity HotelCleopatra City Center HotelCovent Garden building, Floor 25DG RTD - AtriumETC.European Commission, CDMA, Rue du Champ de Mars 21, 1050 BrusselsEurope HouseHotel IvanHyatt Regency SofiaLatvian Embassy to BelgiumMetropol Palace Hotel, Lavender HallNCSR DEMOKRITOSNorth light buildingOnlinePulse FoundationRimini Expo Centre, ItalySofia Tech Park HotelSomewhereSomewhereSpain Pavilion at Dubai Expo 2020Sparks MeetingTechsylvania, Cluj Innovation ParkThe Hive HotelTour & taxisTour&Taxis - SHED 1WrocławCloseClear all Online type LivestreamToggle dropdownSelectToggle dropdownSelect all (1)LivestreamCloseClear all EIC Programmes Business Acceleration ServicesEIC AcceleratorEIC CommunitiesEIC FundEIC PathfinderEIC PrizesEIC TransitionEuropean Innovation EcosystemsGreenhouse Gas programme (GHG)Horizontal EICInnosupWomen TechEUToggle dropdownSelectToggle dropdownSelect all (12)Business Acceleration ServicesEIC AcceleratorEIC CommunitiesEIC FundEIC PathfinderEIC PrizesEIC TransitionEuropean Innovation EcosystemsGreenhouse Gas programme (GHG)Horizontal EICInnosupWomen TechEUCloseClear all Search Clear filters Events (117) RSS Showing results 1 to 10 24Apr2025Info daysThe 2026 European Capital of Innovation Awards (iCapital) - Online Info-SessionOnline only04Apr2025Info daysEuropean Innovation Council Pathfinder Challenges – Work Programme 2025 Info DayBrussels, Belgium02Apr2025Partner meetingsNetworking event for Latvian start-ups in the EU - "Innovate in Latvia and Europe!"Brussels, Belgium02-03Apr2025Conferences and summitsRegistrations are open for the next edition of the EIC Summit!Brussels, Belgium02Apr2025Partner meetingsMorning Brief: The Future of European Climate TechBrussels, Belgium01Apr2025Training and workshopsEIC Community Training - Artificial intelligence (AI) tools for innovators Brussels, Belgium01Apr2025Training and workshopsEIC Partners’ Day 2025Brussels, Belgium26-27Mar2025Training and workshopsSustainability meets Scalability: Joint EIC – SUNERGY Roadmapping Event on Renewable Hydrogen, Fuels and Chemicals26Nov2024Info daysEuropean Innovation Council (EIC) Info Day in Germany Berlin, Germany21Nov2024Training and workshopsEPO-EIC online training - How to make best use of the Unitary Patent System 1Page 123...12Next
24Apr2025Info daysThe 2026 European Capital of Innovation Awards (iCapital) - Online Info-SessionOnline only
04Apr2025Info daysEuropean Innovation Council Pathfinder Challenges – Work Programme 2025 Info DayBrussels, Belgium
02Apr2025Partner meetingsNetworking event for Latvian start-ups in the EU - "Innovate in Latvia and Europe!"Brussels, Belgium
02-03Apr2025Conferences and summitsRegistrations are open for the next edition of the EIC Summit!Brussels, Belgium
01Apr2025Training and workshopsEIC Community Training - Artificial intelligence (AI) tools for innovators Brussels, Belgium
26-27Mar2025Training and workshopsSustainability meets Scalability: Joint EIC – SUNERGY Roadmapping Event on Renewable Hydrogen, Fuels and Chemicals
21Nov2024Training and workshopsEPO-EIC online training - How to make best use of the Unitary Patent System