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European Innovation Council

Innovative Batteries for eVehicle

Details of this prize which aims to develop sustainable batteries for electric vehicles.

The challenge to solve

The challenge is to develop a safe and sustainable battery for electric-vehicles through the development of new materials and chemistries making use of abundant, sustainable low cost materials, which are easily available in Europe.

Solutions are required to provide the same or better performance than vehicles with internal combustion engines and to be capable of recharging the electric vehicle within a time equivalent to fill a conventional gasoline/diesel fuel tank.

This prize will contribute significantly to the decarbonisation of Europe for the benefit of the EU's economy and its citizens.

Prize value

€10 million

This prize will:

  • foster knowledge, innovation and competitiveness in e-vehicle battery/ energy storage technologies
  • enhance the European manufacturing base for e-vehicle batteries
  • strengthen the European Industrial value chain (e.g. through exploitation or synergies with existing European industrial infrastructures)
  • strengthen European value added in the supply and knowledge of advanced materials and chemistries for batteries
  • encourage electro-mobility, opening up new markets and incentivising technological innovations
  • enhance employment prospects along the entire electro-mobility value chain
  • contribute to a significant drop in CO2 and NOx emissions in line with global environmental policies

Expected results

A prototype battery with fast repowering and long-distance range, high recyclability, and long life cycle.

Eligibility and award criteria

The contest is open to any legal entity (including natural persons) or group of legal entities established in an EU Member State or in a country associated to Horizon 2020.

The prize will be awarded, after closure of the contest, to the contestant(s) who in the opinion of the jury demonstrates a solution that best meets the following cumulative criteria for a prototype battery (demonstrated and tested in adequate environment).

  • provides high standards for safety, sustainability and recyclability
  • provides the same experience and user convenience, in terms of range and time required to recharge, as a conventional gasoline/diesel car
  • has whole-life costs (in terms of battery materials and its functionality) equivalent or better than gasoline/diesel car
  • demonstrates reliable power delivery without significant loss of performance for an economically acceptable life time (power delivery to be demonstrated for a life time higher than batteries currently available)
  • ensures that other performance criteria (car acceleration, safety, etc.) are maintained in comparison to a combustion engine powered vehicle
  • demonstrates a significant advance in new material technologies while avoiding dependence on import materials (e.g. expensive, rare, and unsustainable materials)
  1. 23 February 2018 –
    contest opens
  2. 17 December 2020
    deadline to submit applications
  3. fourth quarter 2021
    prize awarded