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European Innovation Council

Warsaw (Poland)

The European Capital of Innovation - 2nd place: Warsaw (Poland)


Warsaw is a city that cares

An innovative approach is the key to creating a good place to live for all. Building such a place is what Warsaw cares about. There are three highlights in #Warsaw2030 Strategy that refers to this idea: ‘active resident’ – Warsaw encourages people to achieve their personal and professional goals, ‘friendly space’ – Warsaw creates a social environment in which everyone can feel secure, ‘open metropolis’ – Warsaw is open to the world and inspire others. They know that the success of this strategy depends on engagement of our citizens that they try to support.

Values and innovation

They know they can engage citizens in innovative thinking if they have a clear vision of the development of the city and share core values. They create a responsible community. They take care of each other, and together they decide about our city. They want Warsaw to provide equal opportunities for every citizen. That is why they build an inclusive community. Warsaw earned the Access City Award in 2020 in recognition of these. They take a holistic approach to accessibility to support every group that requires assistance. The city also offers a range of support mechanisms for young mothers and fathers like toddler layette, nursery voucher, places in nurseries and kindergartens free of charge. Inclusion is an important characteristic of social environment that fosters innovation.

Supporting talents

Warsaw is a magnet for talents across various sectors, including game development, IT and business services. They offer numerous centers in which companies, universities and NGOs can collaborate with innovations. Warsaw develops an ecosystem that supports local entrepreneurship. Components of this ecosystem are city-wide centers like Targowa and Smolna and district-level initiatives created by and for the residents. Our experts provide a friendly legal framework that stimulates growth and attracts both private and public investors.

Smart solutions for civic engagement

Warsaw creates modern solutions for civic engagement. Active and engaged residents make the decisions about Warsaw. Every month the City Contact Center fields 25 000 of reports from residents addressing issues and seeking help. The widely accessed Municipal Info Portal, with over 2 million monthly views, serves as a comprehensive resource of city information and features dedicated portals addressing business and social welfare concerns. Warsaw is tech-forward, offering specialized services like the Open Data Platform for experts, informative map services, and even a unique application dedicated to Warsaw's trees crowns. Furthermore, residents benefit from a user-centric approach with data made accessible in an intuitive manner via our IoT platform.

Warsaw cooperates with more than 10 000 of NGOs. They have established social dialogue commissions and local initiatives to support participation. They listen to Warsaw residents’ opinions and recommendations on climate issues. As a member of the Decidim community, Warsaw can develop such tools as Participatory Budget Platform and the Consultation Platform.

Modern public transport

Warsaw cares about the quality of public transport. It must be cheap, efficient, and friendly for the environment. A monthly ticket in public transportation costs 1.8% of the average Warsaw net salary. 40% of buses in Warsaw are eco-friendly. Warsaw also develops touristic lines, bus passes and new Park&Ride standard system. They are overcoming the last mile problem thanks to the widespread use of public bikes and other means of clean transport.

Green city initiatives

In response to climate change Warsaw introduces system solutions and supports local green initiatives. They have an extensive ecosystem of greenery. It includes urban green spaces and forested areas surrounding Warsaw. The protected area has doubled in 60 years through the method of rewilding. Warsaw is one of only two cities in the world that has an unregulated riverbank in the city center. The wild bank of the Vistula River helps to protect many endangered species of plants and animals. Warsaw cares about green transport and creates public spaces that are greener, more bird-friendly and quieter. Flower bulbs after season go to residents’ gardens. It is a small part of sharing economy in the city.

Warsaw takes care of many areas of development. Innovation is a driving force to make a good place to live for present and future generations.