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- Ensuring efficient implementation on the Horizon Europe programme.
- Ensuring sufficient investment flows for disruptive research and breakthrough innovations, including through the European Innovation Council.
- Continuing to build a true European Research Area in cooperation with Member States.
- Ensuring that research, policy and economic priorities go hand in hand.
- Implementing the Erasmus+ programme.
- Leading the Commission’s work on a European Education Area to become a reality by 2025.
- Promoting excellence and networking among European universities and implementing fully the European University Initiative.
- Implementing the Digital Education Action Plan and increasing awareness from an early age of disinformation and other online threats.
- Maximise the potential of the exchange programmes to foster international cooperation in education, research and innovation.
- Ensuring the full implementation of the New European Agenda for Culture, strengthening Europe’s commitment to preserving and protecting the cultural heritage.
- Promoting creative industries as a catalyst for innovation, jobs and growth and maximise the potential of an ambitious Creative Europe Programme.
- Promoting sport as a tool for inclusion and well-being, continuing to expand the #BeInclusive EU Sports Awards and the European Week of Sport.
- Fostering cultural cooperation as a part of the Union’s partnerships with countries around the world.