Identify the most relevant descriptors that correspond to your innovation.
In the preparation of your proposal, you are requested to select associated descriptors from a predefined list that contains disciplines (i.e. the four topics of the calls), sub-disciplines (dedicated per each topic) and descriptors. It is of the utmost importance that you analyse the relevant sub-disciplines that correspond to your proposal and select a minimum three and maximum six descriptors. By selecting the most appropriate descriptors you ensure that your proposal is attributed to expert-evaluators who have the most relevant thematic knowledge to adequately evaluate it. You will be requested to select these descriptors in the Funding & tenders (
- Agricultural biotechnology and food biotechnology
- Agricultural engineering
- Animal and Dairy science
- Aquaculture, fisheries
- GM technology (crops and livestock), livestock cloning, marker assisted selection, diagnostics (DNA chips and biosensing devices for the early/accurate detection of diseases) biomass feedstock production technologies, biopharming
- Plant breeding and plant protection
- Soil science
- Urban agriculture
- Applied genetic engineering, transgenic organisms, recombinant proteins, biosensors
- Biochemistry and molecular biology
- Bioinformatics, biocomputing, and DNA and molecular computation
- Biological engineering
- Biology (theoretical, mathematical, thermal, cryobiology, biological rhythm), Evolutionary biology
- Biomimetics
- Biophysics (e.g. transport mechanisms, bioenergetics, fluorescence)
- Cell biology, Microbiology
- Developmental biology
- Ecology
- Genetics and heredity
- Marine biology
- Virology
- Analytical chemistry
- Catalysis
- Colloid chemistry
- Electrochemistry, batteries and fuel cells
- Inorganic and nuclear chemistry
- Nanochemistry
- Organic chemistry
- Peptide chemistry
- Photochemistry
- Physical chemistry, Polymer science, Electrochemistry (dry cells, batteries, fuel cells, corrosion metals, electrolysis)
- Polymer chemistry
- Process Chemistry
- Spectroscopic and spectrometric techniques
- Surface chemistry
- Synthetic Organic chemistry
- Theoretical and computational chemistry
- Artificial intelligence, intelligent systems, multi agent systems
- Communication networks, media, information society
- Computer graphics, computer vision, multi media, computer games
- Cryptology, security, privacy, quantum crypto
- E-learning, user modelling, collaborative systems
- Embedded computing
- High performance computing
- Human computer interaction and interface, visualization and natural language processing
- Interaction, Multimodal, Brain-Computer-Interfaces, Assistive Technologies
- Internet of Things
- Machine learning, statistical data processing and applications using signal processing (e.g. speech, image, video)
- Network technologies / Internetworking
- Networks (communication networks, sensor networks, networks of robots, etc.)
- Ontologies, neural networks, genetic programming, fuzzy logic
- Scientific computing, simulation and modelling tools
- Smart manufacturing
- Software engineering, operating systems, computer languages
- Translational bioinformatics
- Unconventional computing
- Web and information systems, database systems, information retrieval and digital libraries, data fusion
- Climatic research
- Environmental sciences
- Geochemistry and geophysics
- Geology
- Geosciences, multidisciplinary
- Hydrology
- Meteorology and atmospheric sciences
- Oceanography
- Physical geography
- Aeronautics
- Aerospace engineering
- Architecture, smart buildings, smart cities, urban engineering
- Artificial organs
- Audio engineering, reliability analysis
- Automation and control systems
- Big data
- Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT)
- Chemical engineering
- Civil engineering
- Communication engineering and systems telecommunications
- Computer architecture, pervasive computing, ubiquitous computing
- Cybersecurity Research Domains
- Diagnostic and implantable devices, environmental monitoring
- Electrical engineering, Electronic engineering, Information engineering
- Electrochemistry, electrodialysis, microfluidics, sensors
- Energy, fuels and petroleum engineering
- Environmental and geological engineering, geotechnics
- Environmental biotechnology
- Graphene, 2D materials
- Intelligent materials, self-assembled materials
- Marine engineering
- Materials engineering (biomaterials, metals, ceramics, polymers, composites, etc.)
- Mechanical engineering
- Medical engineering
- Micro (system) engineering
- Nanotechnology, nano-materials, nano engineering
- New materials: oxides, alloys, composite, organic-inorganic hybrid, nanoparticles
- Nuclear related engineering
- Organic electronics
- Photonics
- Robotic cognition
- Robotics
- Solid state materials
- Surface science and nanostructures
- Synthetic biology, chemical biology and new bio-engineering concepts
- Thermodynamics
- Transport engineering
- Industrial biotechnology
- Global Systems Science
- Pure mathematics, Applied mathematics
- Statistics and probability (This includes research on statistical methodologies, but excludes research on applied statistics which should be classified under the relevant field of application (e.g. Economics, Sociology, etc.)
- Biomaterials (as related to medical implants, devices, sensors)
- Biomedical engineering
- Brain research
- Brain simulation and modeling
- Cardiac and Cardiovascular systems
- Critical care medicine and Emergency medicine
- Endocrinology and metabolism (including diabetes, hormones)
- Epidemiology
- Gene therapy, cell therapy, regenerative medicine
- Health-related biotechnology
- Immunology
- Microbiology
- Molecular and cellular neuroscience
- Neuroanatomy and neurophysiology
- Neurodegenerative disorders
- Neuroimaging and computational neuroscience
- Neuroinformatics
- Neurological disorders (e.g. Alzheimer's disease, Huntington's disease, Parkinson's disease)
- Neurosciences (including psychophysiology)
- Neurosurgery
- Nutrition, Dietetics
- Oncology
- Organ physiology and pathophysiology
- Pharmacology and pharmacy
- Physiology (including cytology)
- Radiology, nuclear medicine and medical imaging
- Regenerative medicine
- Respiratory system
- Sensory systems (e.g. visual system, auditory system)
- Tissue engineering
- Transplantation
- Acoustics
- Astronomy (including astrophysics, space science)
- Atomic, molecular physics
- Chemical physics
- Electromagnetism
- Electronic properties of materials, surfaces, interfaces, nanostructures, etc
- Fluid dynamics
- Gas and plasma physics
- Metrology and measurement
- Molecular electronics
- Nanophysics: nanoelectronics, nanophotonics, nanomagnetism, nanoelectromechanics, etc.
- Nuclear physics
- Optical engineering, photonics, lasers
- Optics, non-linear optics and nano-optics
- Particles and fields physics
- Quantum optics and quantum information
- Semiconductors and insulators: material growth, physical properties
- Spintronics
- Superconductivity
- Circular economy
- Financial & Investment management
- Technology commercialisation
- Energy efficient products
- Networks (communication networks, sensor networks, networks of robots, etc.)
- Systems engineering, sensorics, actorics, automation
- Embedded systems
- Internet of Things
- Wireless communications, communication, high frequency, mobile technology
- Computer architecture, pervasive computing, ubiquitous computing
- Electrical and electronic engineering: semiconductors, components, systems
- Electronics, photonics
- Intelligent robotics, cybernetics
- Organic electronics
- Photonics
- Optoelectronics
- Semiconductor lasers
- Energy efficiency - general
- Sustainable design (for recycling, for environment, eco-design)
- Materials engineering (biomaterials, metals, ceramics, polymers, composites, etc.)
- Nanotechnology, nano-materials, nano engineering
- Environmentally Friendly Factory Processes
- Artificial Intelligence & Decision support
- Biotechnology
- Electronic components
- Opto-electronics: Laser, optics and related devices
- Photonic/Optical Materials and Device Technology
- Environmental and Green Technologies
- MEMS / Microsystems technologies
- Semiconductors, components, systems
- Physical chemistry, Polymer science, Electrochemistry (dry cells, batteries, fuel cells, corrosion metals, electrolysis)
- Quantum optics and quantum information
- Molecular electronics
- Nanophysics: nanoelectronics, nanophotonics, nanomagnetism, nanoelectromechanics, etc.
- Semiconductors and insulators: material growth, physical properties
- Spintronics
- Biophotonics and medical applications
- Displays
- Imaging, image and data processing
- Instrumentation, measurement, and metrology
- Lighting, solid-state lighting, LEDs, OLEDs
- Manufacturing technologies for photonic devices
- Optoelectronics, semiconductor photonics and photonic integration
- Photonics in computing, interconnects, data storage
- Flexible electronics and displays
- Computing for servers, data centres
- Embedded computing
- High performance computing
- Artificial intelligence, intelligent systems, multi agent systems
- Cloud computing
- Mobile Sensor devices
- Complexity and cryptography, electronic security, privacy, biometrics
- Mobile devices
- Wearable technologies
- Interaction, Multimodal, Brain-Computer-Interfaces, Assistive Technologies
- Machine learning, statistical data processing and applications using signal processing (e.g. speech, image, video)
- Neuroimaging and computational neuroscience
- Ontologies, neural networks, genetic programming, fuzzy logic
- Software engineering, operating systems, computer languages
- Unconventional computing
- Bioinformatics, biocomputing, and DNA and molecular computation
- Environment, resources and sustainability
- Waste management
- Waste recycling
- Energy management in buildings
- Low/nearly zero &-energy positive buildings
- Energy efficient products
- Energy collection, conversion and storage, renewable energy
- Energy efficiency - general
- Integration of renewables
- Energy efficient industry
- Ecodesign, Life Cycle Analysis
- Energy end-use efficiency and energy services
- Energy storage
- Electricity storage
- Intra-day electricity storage
- Heat storage
- Energy systems, smart energy, smart grids, wireless energy transfer
- Concentrated Solar Power
- Geothermal
- Hydro
- Ocean energy
- Photovoltaics
- Wind
- Renewable heating & cooling
- Solar cooling
- Solar Heating & Cooling
- Solar Thermal
- Heat pumps
- Sustainable energy communities
- Local sustainable energy supply
- Low/zero carbon communities
- Second Generation Biofuels
- District Heating & Cooling
- Energy Management Systems
- Supply chain
- Energy generation storage & distribution
- Systems engineering, sensorics, actorics, automation
- Electrical and electronic engineering
- System of systems
- Electronics, photonics
- Power supply
- System engineering
- System integration
- Materials engineering
- Biomaterials, biomaterials synthesis
- Applied mechanics
- Mechanical engineering
- Electromechanical engineering
- Thermodynamics
- Nano-materials (production and properties)
- Automation of industrial processes
- Mechanical, Thermal and Fluid-Related
- Process Control Technology
- Systems Engineering and Design Management
- Concurrent Engineering and Reduced Design Cycle
- Systems Engineering and Integrated Systems Design
- Power management of systems
- Integrated systems of systems
- Chemical reactions: mechanisms, dynamics, kinetics and catalytic reactions
- Applied and industrial chemistry
- Electrochemistry, batteries and fuel cells
- Nanochemistry
- Microfluidics
- Synthetic biology, chemical biology and new bio-engineering concepts
- Medical engineering, biomedical engineering and technology
- Medical laboratory technology (including laboratory samples analysis diagnostic technologies)
- Diagnostic tools (e.g. genetic, imaging)
- Biotechnology
- DNA therapy
- Epigenetics and gene regulation
- Gene therapy, cell therapy, regenerative medicine
- Genomics, comparative genomics, functional genomics
- Molecular genetics, reverse genetics and RNAi
- Immunology
- Immunogenetics
- Clinical Pharmacology
- Clinical targets
- Patient stratification
- Drug development, clinical phases
- Pharmacodynamics
- Pharmacokinetics
- Pharmacology, pharmacogenomics, drug discovery and design, drug therapy
- Translational medicine
- Cardiac and Cardiovascular systems
- Prevention
- Risk factors
- Neurodegenerative disorders
- Neuroinflammatory disorders
- Oncology
- Anticancer therapy
- Ophthalmology
- Non-communicable diseases (except for neural/psychiatric and immunity-related)
- Personalised medicine
- Chronic diseases
- Degenerative diseases
- Diagnostic technology
- Rare diseases
- Technologies involving identifying the functioning of DNA, proteins and enzymes and how they influence the onset of disease and maintenance of well-being (gene-based diagnostics and therapeutic interventions (pharmacogenomics, gene-based
- Biomarkers
- Diagnostics
- Pharmacogenomics
- Technologies involving the manipulation of cells, tissues, organs or the whole organism (assisted reproduction)
- Biomaterial engineering
- Biomedical engineering
- Imaging, image and data processing
- Regenerative medicine
- Stem cell therapy
- Tissue engineering
- Biomaterials (as related to medical implants, devices, sensors)
- Biochemistry
- Enzymology
- Biological chemistry
- DNA synthesis, modification, repair, recombination, degradation
- Molecular biology
- Protein synthesis, modification and turnover
- Proteomics
- RNA synthesis, processing, modification and degradation
- Transcriptomics
- Computational biology
- Systems biology
- Bioinformatics, biocomputing, and DNA and molecular computation
- Cell biology and molecular transport mechanisms
- Organelle biology
- Stem cell biology
- Tissue culture
- Cell genetics
- Gene therapy
- Genomics
- Medical genetics
- Analytical chemistry
- Enzymes