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- Assuring support for regions most affected by digital and climate transitions, including through the Just Transition Fund.
- Working with co-legislators to establish a legislative framework for Cohesion Funds in the long-term EU budget.
- Supporting regions and authorities in preparing their programmes, in line with their specific needs and the EU’s common objectives.
- Working with Member States to ensure full and effective use of EU funds and oversight of expenditure.
- Contributing to the review of the Urban Agenda and the long-term vision on rural areas.
- Overall responsibility for the work of DG REFORM, offering technical and financial support for reforms in Member States.
- Coordinating technical support to those Member States preparing to join the euro.
- Working with co-legislators towards a timely agreement on the Reform Support Programme and the Budgetary Instrument for Convergence and Competitiveness in the euro area and subsequently ensuring their full implementation.