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European Innovation Council
  • News article
  • 19 October 2021
  • 1 min read

292 proposals submitted for the EIC Transition calls worth €100 million

These are the first ever EIC Transition calls under the European Commission’s European Innovation Council.

EIC Transition statistics

The European Commission’s European Innovation Council received 292 proposals for the first ever EIC Transition calls. They focus on results generated by EIC Pathfinder pilot projects and European Research Council Proof of Concept projects, to mature the technologies and build a business case for specific applications.

221 proposals from 35 countries have been submitted for the EIC Transition Open call, requesting a budget of €583.7 million.

EIC Transition Open funds novel technologies from any scientific field that have already reached the experimental proof of principle in laboratory. These technologies should aim to achieve  further maturation and validation in the lab and in relevant application environments in order to develop market readiness.

71 proposals from 22 countries have been submitted for the call under EIC Transition Challenges: 45 proposals under Medical Technology and Devices, requesting €106.5 million and 26 proposals under Energy harvesting and storage technologies, requesting €85.1 million.

The EIC Transition Medical technology and devices  challenge is specifically addressed to novel technologies and devices responding to important health needs in the direct clinical treatment and care of patient. It supports transition activities from a proof-of-concept result to a level of technological maturity appropriate for clinical evaluation and aiming to develop an exploitation strategy.

The EIC Transition Energy harvesting and storage technologies challenge  funds innovative technologies that intend to develop an efficient, low cost, sustainable, compact and flexible energy harvesting, conversion and storage. These technologies are therefore important for the Green Deal targets of decarbonised energy systems while achieving the transition to secure and affordable energy.

The proposals are being evaluated now and projects will start in Spring 2022.


More information

EIC Transition on EIC website

EIC Work Programme 2021


Publication date
19 October 2021