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European Innovation Council
  • News article
  • 22 November 2022
  • 1 min read

C2C-NewCap awarded the prestigious 2022 Transportation Hub Award in the USA

Congratulations to the EIC Accelerator beneficiary, C2C-NewCap!

EIC Accelerator beneficiary C2C-NewCap
©C2C-NewCap 2022

Lisbon based and EIC Accelerator beneficiary C2C-NewCap has been awarded by the USA OceanExchange the 2022 Transportation Hub Award. The USD 100 000 was awarded to an outstanding innovation that ‘developed breakthrough eco-friendly energy storage technologies based on hybrid supercapacitors that will help to decarbonise the energy-intensive land transportation industry.'

The company was represented by André Mão de Ferro, Chief Technology Officer. C2C-NewCap is finalising the HYCAP project, and will soon be discussing a potential equity investment by the EIC Fund – as the company successfully passed the last round of EIC Accelerator evaluations with an ‘equity only’ project.

Ocean Exchange’s mission is to accelerate the adoption of innovative solutions for healthy oceans and the sustainable Blue Economy. This network is the heart of an ecosystem that encourages and supports pioneering companies focused on the development and commercialisation of breakthrough technologies.

More information

EIC Accelerator 


Publication date
22 November 2022