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European Innovation Council
private sector

IPN - Instituto Pedro Nunes

The IPN aims at promoting innovation and technology transfer, establishing the connection between the scientific environment and the market.

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The IPN aims at promoting innovation and technology transfer, establishing the connection between the scientific environment and the market, developing activities in 3 areas:


It has 6 RTD laboratories:

Materials: Surface Engineering; Advanced Materials; Materials for Energy Efficiency; Microfabrication and Additive Manufacturing; Circular Economy; Material Characterisation and Accredited Testing. It has techniques accredited by the Portuguese Institute for Accreditation (IPAC);

Automation: Embedded Systems; Collaborative Robotics; IoB; Impact, Evaluation, and Certification;

IT: Design, development, and integration of technological solutions in various areas, e.g. artificial intelligence, software engineering, cybersecurity, and communication infrastructures, and services;

Geotechnics: Geological and geotechnical studies and classification, stability and stabilization of slopes; laboratory and field tests. It has techniques accredited by IPAC;

Electroanalysis: Quantitative determination of toxic metals in water and effluents; Development of electrochemical sensors and biosensors, with DNA and enzymes.

Phytosanitary: Detection/research of plant pests and diseases; It also develops innovation activities, innovation management, support for the development of new products, technological brokerage initiatives. It promotes and supports Intellectual Property issues.


The IPN promotes the creation of spin-offs in the IPN-incubator (association of which the IPN is a major associate). It hosts the ESA BIC Portugal, one of the incubation centres of the European Space Agency (ESA) at the European level, boosting support for start-ups employing space technologies in non-space industrial and commercial uses.

It has a Business Accelerator aimed at more mature companies, promoting their internationalisation and technological intensity.


Promotion of training-action programmes for researchers, managers, and entrepreneurs.

For the scope of this proposal, IPN will offer services from 3 RTD labs: Materials, Automation and IT.



Service B: 3D printing prototyping services

IPN offers differentiated services throughout the additive manufacturing (AM) value chain, supported by an in-house specialized team in this area. Regarding metal and ceramic AM, IPN capabilities are focused on indirect additive processes characterized by an SDS (Shape, Debinding and Sintering) manufacturing route. The vast and solid knowledge acquired with Powder Injection Moulding (PIM) since the '80s (with debinding and sintering concepts very similar to those used in AM indirect processes) allowed IPN to take advantage and push these applications to cutting-edge solutions. In  this  scope,  IPN  highlights  the  following specialized services: Raw powder characterizationꓼ Particle size, shape and surface areaꓼ Density-Particle structure (x-ray diffraction)ꓼ Feedstocks  formulation  and  evaluation  through critical powder volume concentration (CPVC)ꓼ Filament production from feedstocksꓼ 3D object shaping (3D printing)ꓼ Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)ꓼ Debinding and sintering in an inert atmosphereꓼ Morphological   (Scanning Electron Microscopy with EDS/WDS) and Mechanical (according to ISO standards) Part characterization. Concerning polymeric AM, IPN services go far beyond the construction of the 3D object.   Our specialized consulting services   are always ready to support customers/patterners from the very beginning of the application development up to the final output. IPN also has the expertise to support applications that consider 4D printing, mainly with shape memory polymers.


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Service C: Software engineering

The laboratory for informatics and systems has a specialized team dedicated to the design, development and implementation of personalized ICT solutions. As such, this service foresees the provision of software engineering services, namely:  requirements elicitation, system’s integration, architecture design, software development (cloud and mobile) and testing. Due to the extensive experience of our ICT teams, the software development services are provided with high quality security standards and upon the most recent UI and UX methodologies.


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Service D: Big Data & Artificial Intelligence

This service foresees the research and development of custom AI-based solutions in several areas, namely:  time series forecast, optimization techniques, predictive maintenance, distributed/federated AI, Computer Vision & Pattern recognition, natural language processing.  The lab relies on previous experience both in co-founded and market services in these areas.

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Service E: Cybersecurity

This service foresees the research and development of security and privacy mechanisms for applications, things and persons. This includes reputation systems; remote attestation; and privacy preservation.


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Service F: Fixed and mobile communication

This service foresees activities in network and service monitoring, management and orchestration, 4G, 5G, NFV, SDN, MEC, Fog Computing, IoT remote sensing and platforms.


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Service I: Support on Regulatory framework for Medical Devices

IPN supports entities in the assessment of conformity, elaboration of the EU declaration and affixing of the CE marking; Support in the ANVISA, FDA and UK process; elaboration of the Biological Evaluation Report and Clinical Evaluation Report; implementation of risk management and quality management systems; registrations at EUDAMED, application of the UDI system, and implementation of the post-marketing monitoring system and the medical device surveillance system.


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Service A: Life Cycle Assessment services

Covered by international standards (ISO 14040 and 14044), Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a vital tool in transitioning to a Circular Economy and reaching a new sustainable future. LCA is currently the most credible and widely methodology used to measure and assess the actual environmental impacts generated over a product or service life cycle. IPN’s LCA services include: Determination of the environmental performance of products and services; Identification of critical stages that may highly contribute to environmental impacts; Acquisition of reliable and comparable environmental information; Quantification of environmental benefits achieved through Circular Economy strategies; Determination of Carbon Footprint and Water Footprint.


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Service G: Living Lab -Technology Experimentation and Testing

This service gives access to digital technology experts and technological platforms that companies can leverage to further develop digital products to address the needs they identified. It includes a technology   assessment, and experimentation with new digital technologies –software, hardware (e.g. artificial intelligence, IoT, cybersecurity) for integration, customization and testing.  It gives access to test environments, with facilities, experts and platforms where pilot scale solutions can be tested for development purposes. This service leverages existing experience of IPN -Multi-service and Multi-protocol Platform for technical trials already used in several internal projects. 1. Robotic Platform: robotic manipulators, collaborative robots, mobile robots, human-robot/machine interaction for Tests and tech validation Robot access for testing and validating concepts; 2. IoT Platform for communication protocols testing proof-of-concept / IoT product functionality testing API and sensor testing IoT framework / product cybersecurity testing; 3. AI acceleration platform provide AI accelerators -specialized hardware/computer systems created to accelerate artificial intelligence; 4. Artificial/Computer vision Platform provide facilities and equipment for image acquisition and processing.


Apply now for the Prototyping and PoC Services


Service H: Health Technology Assessment

This service provides a Health technology assessment to the company: several standard surveys, such as, SUS (system-usability scale), PSSUQ (post-study system usability questionnaire) and USE (usefulness, satisfaction and ease of use). This assessment from the stage when the product is still at a paper prototyping stage until the pre-market readiness, uncovers issues when they are easy and cheap to solve.


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