Award ceremony
On 8 December 2022, the European Innovation Council Summit in Brussels, the European Commission announced the winners of the second edition of the European Innovation Procurement Awards (EUIPA). Supported by the European Innovation Council under Horizon Europe, the European Innovation Procurement Awards recognise powerful cases of public and private buyers promoting innovation procurement practices across Europe. It also emphasises the importance of close buyer–supplier cooperation in bringing the innovative solutions to market. Read more about the jury members and winners of three award categories:
Innovation procurement strategy
Winner: RITMOCORE RITMOCORE transforms the care pathway of patients with bradycardias, implanted with a pacemaker, most aged over 70. The steady growth of the demand, mostly due to the ageing population, and budgets’ resistance to follow such demand has two main consequences, on one hand there is a requirement to purchase more devices, and on the other hand, the increase in the workload of clinicians becomes unsustainable. |
Second place: BEL-PROC-TF-COVID19 YQ Purchasing BV (Belgium) established and spearheaded the Procurement Taskforce Covid-19 for the Belgian Federal Public Service (FPS) Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment using innovative “Out-of-the-Box” Procurement in order to respond to the needs of the Belgian health care professionals and the Belgian population to face the Covid-19 challenges. |
Facing societal challenges
Winner: ORS Garage In response to the public debate on conditions and care standards in residential homes triggered by the COVID pandemic, the Department of Social Rights of the Government of Navarra, in close cooperation with the public procurement department, launched a process of citizen-led innovation procurement: The “ORS Garage”. The process was structured into four phases, ament to capture the citizen perceptions on physical, social, and emotional conditions in care settings and translate these identified needs and social challenges into negotiated procurement specifications. |
Second place: IoT for AHA Iniciativa Social Integral, as well as a home care company, is a SME in Valencia (Spain) committed to social innovation in care, being aware that the resources available for care must be complemented with technology-based care to face a European society that is aging at a fast pace, and it does so based on its Corporate Social Responsibility and Person-Center. |
Procurement leadership
Winner: StartOff Startups are a source of innovation that the public sector needs. Their traditional procurement processes are often complicated and resource-intensive, and the public has little overview of what startups can offer. Through a fast, simple and predictable process, StartOff brings public clients and startups together to solve challenges in the public sector and helps growing new businesses. StartOff has in its short lifetime produced extra-ordinary results with 7 of 8 completed projects seeing continuation in the form of scaled up development, testing of procurement. |
Second place: PPI4HPC-PN With the PPI4HPC project, for the first time in Europe, a joint European procurement of innovative high-performance IT equipment for HPC centre (supercomputer or storage system), focused on key innovations especially in the field of energy efficiency. It was performed by a consortium of members of the PRACE e-Infrastructure – a world-class environment capable of achieving global leadership. |
Jury Members
Innovation procurement strategyArvea Marieni Arvea is a partner and board member of the management advisory company Brainscapital and technical director for the Regenerative Society Foundation, Co-Chaired by US Economist Jeffrey Sachs, and Italian entrepreneur Andrea Illy. As a strategy adviser, climate policy expert and innovation manager, she is specialised in EU-China environmental cooperation and serves as a European Commission expert and a consultant with the UNFCCC. |
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José María Romero Fidalgo He coordinates Public Procurement Initiatives at the national level such as Código100 Health Innovation Plan (15 tenders implemented with all PPI procedures €13 million), INNOVATRIAL PCP initiative (€12 million), or Innova MicroLab PCP initiative (€5.7 million) and involved in European PPI initiatives such us PROCURE4HEALTH (Horizon Europe). Winners of the European Innovation Procurement Awards 2021 - Innovation procurement strategy category. |
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Gonçalo Negrão Serra Over 20 years of experience in procurement, supply chain and logistics management. In 2003, he has led "The National Public e-Procurement Program" for the Portuguese Government. With senior roles in consulting firms, he has managed procurement strategy and innovation projects in Brazil, Angola, and Spain. As an independent consultant, he has developed Procurement Open Innovation and start-up engagement programs for Public and Energy Sectors in the US, Australia, the Middle East and Europe. He is a member of the Portugal Innovation in Public Procurement and 2030 Green Procurement Strategy groups. |
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Facing societal challengesOlivier Favier He is founder & CEO of Foil Effect. Olivier has 15 years experience in purchasing & procurement in industrial field, especially in automotive business. Above traditional competition on cost/quality/lead time optimisation & risk mitigation, he has promoted long term partnership with suppliers to create value. Since 2020, he is supporting new collaborative behaviours into organisations & with upstream supply chains, facilitating collective intelligence, in partnership with Lab PEAK by Thesame. |
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Ingrid de Doncker She is an innovator in sustainable procurement and supply chain with more than 20 years’ experience with global procurement and supply chain teams. Ingrid is a co-founder and head of research and innovation at FUTURE PLANET, a provider of Sustainable Lifecycle Management software and advisory services. At Future Planet, Ingrid applies her deep procurement and supply chain expertise to guide companies to buy more responsibly. The company’s software platform empowers organisations to embed sustainable best practices across their entire value chain, while measuring and recording progress against reporting standards. Future Planet won the prestigious ‘Irish Times Innovation Award’ in November 2022. |
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Procurement leadershipMarlene Grauer Marlene is a senior project manager at the Association for Supply Chain Management, Procurement and Logistics (BME) in Germany. With her team, she oversees the business-to-business matchmaking activities and supports buyers in international supply chain development. The German government has mandated BME to operate the Competence Centre for Innovative Procurement (KOINNO). At KOINNO Marlene is responsible for all international activities. She also coordinates the European network of competence centres for innovation procurement (procure2innovate). |
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Gabriella Gyori Gabriella is a sustainable supply chain professional with extensive experience in sustainable and innovation procurement, corporate responsibility. She has worked as a practitioner, consultant in the private sector, procurement officer in the public sector and sustainability project manager at NGOs, such as WWF. She has a strong track record in assisting SMEs, cities, and corporates in various sustainability matters, developing sustainable supply chain practices, and measuring their impact. Gabriella is currently working on topics related to the implementation of ESG requirements. |
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Albert Sanchez-Graells Albert Sanchez-Graells is a Professor of Economic Law and Co-Director of the Centre for Global Law and Innovation at the University of Bristol Law School. He is specialised in EU economic law and, in particular, in competition and public procurement law and policy. His research is focused on the way the public sector interacts with the market and how it organises the delivery of public services, especially healthcare. Albert is currently researching the impact of digital technologies such as big data, machine learning, blockchain and the internet of things on procurement governance. |
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