First European Innovation Council Summit - figures and highlights - European Commission
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European Innovation Council
  • News article
  • 7 December 2021
  • 1 min read

First European Innovation Council Summit - figures and highlights

The European Innovation Council has held the very first hybrid EIC Summit on 24-25 November which brought together more than 2300 participants onsite and online.

The programme of the event included 40 engaging and informative sessions with the contribution of 200 high-level and inspiring speakers. We had the pleasure to host three European Commissioners, members of the European Parliament as well as many high-level speakers among which the members of the new EIC Board.

Margrethe Vestager, Executive Vice-President for A Europe Fit for the Digital Age, Mariya Gabriel, Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth and Jean-David Malo, Director of EISMEA led the Grand Opening of the EIC Summit. In the evening of the first day, Thierry Breton, Commissioner for the Internal Market, delivered a keynote speech on technological sovereignty.

Furthermore, 3 different EIC Prizes – Women Innovators, iCapital and Innovation Procurement were celebrated and awarded.

During these one and a half engaging days some important announcements and milestones were shared: launch of the EIC Forum, publication of the EIC Impact report, and announcement of the EIC Ambassadors.

This hybrid event has provided exceptional learning opportunities with the training track sessions for those participants who could not join us in Brussels.

All the sessions have been recorded so in case you missed some of them, you can check and watch replay here:

For the programme, please consult the EIC Summit website

The preparation of the next edition of EIC Summit will start soon. Stay connected and follow us on Twitter #EUeic. 



Publication date
7 December 2021