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European Innovation Council
  • News article
  • 7 June 2022
  • 2 min read

Scaling up with European Innovation Council: Investing in the future of Sustainability and Tech

Join European Innovation Council (EIC) in Paris (or online) on 14 June.

The European Innovation Council (EIC) is organizing in collaboration with Bpifrance a hybrid conference under the high patronage of the French Presidency of the European Union. The event will highlight the best sustainability startups selected out of 3000+ companies in the framework of two European Innovation Council projects: EIC ScalingUp and EIC Ecosystem Partnerships and Co-investment support. Looking into the future, the event will provide a detailed insight into the EIC Scale Up 100 initiate, a call for which is open until the autumn.  

Over 200 ecosystem actors have already registered to attend the event in Paris, for a day of networking, high-level panels, and pitches by the startups. You can still book your seat to participate in the onsite event in Paris. For those who were not able to get tickets to the in person event, the morning part will be webstreamed on this page.

With the contribution of high-level and inspiring speakers such Jean-David Malo, Director of EISMEA, Nicolas Duforcq (General Director of Bpifrance) and Kat Borlongan (EIC Board Member and Chief Impact Officer, Contentsquare), the event will focus on three main elements:

  • policy discussions on European unicorns
  • presentation of the EIC Scale Up 100 call
  • pitching sessions of selected EIC companies.

The event will also offer the opportunity to gain valuable insight on European scale ups and get a unique possibility of networking with tech companies. If you are an investor, your chance is here to invest in the future of sustainability and tech. The EIC is looking for qualified investors within the Sustainability/Tech areas. Venture Capitalists, Angel Investors and others are encouraged to apply and hear from the growing companies already hand-picked by the EIC.

If you are interested and would like learn how you can join forces in providing scaling up support with EIC, you are invited to follow the information session on the EIC Scale-Up 100 call. The EIC Scale Up 100 is a forthcoming initiative to identify and support 100 potential scale up companies. The call for implementing entities to propose the best scaling-up plan is open now, with the support actions foreseen to start next year.



Networking breakfast




Welcome words by the host (Nicolas Dufourcq, CEO of Bpifrance)


EIC Announcement


Setting the scene: what do we know about European scalers and unicorns?


Supporting European scale-ups with EIC: EIC Scaling Up 100 (Viorel Peca, EIC Business Acceleration Services and Transition HoU)


Wrap up & conclusions (Jean-David Malo, Director of EISMEA; Pascal Lagarde, Bpifrance Executive Director for Strategy and international Relation)


Coffee Break


EIC Scaling Up Pitch




Pitch EIC Ecosystem partnerships - Sustainability


Short break


Pitch EIC Ecosystem partnerships - Deep-tech


Closing remarks (Stéphane Ouaki, Head of department in EISMEA; Paul-François Fournier, Executive Director of Innovation in Bpifrance)


One-to-one meetings with corporates and investors


Publication date
7 June 2022