Open Coordination and Support Action (CSA): Financial support to access services from ecosystem partners - European Commission Skip to main content
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European Innovation Council
  • News article
  • 16 August 2023
  • 1 min read

Open Coordination and Support Action (CSA): Financial support to access services from ecosystem partners

EISMEA has launched a new open coordination and support action for financial support to access services from ecosystem partners.

Open Coordination and Support Action (CSA): Financial support to access services from ecosystem partners

The cost of specialised services can constitute a barrier for researchers and innovators as they are rarely covered or foreseen within the EIC grant funding and their own resources are often scarce. This coordination and support action aims to provide EIC awardees with financial support to access those services from excellent ecosystem partners from Europe and beyond and meet their specific needs in terms of sectorial knowledge, networks, R&I infrastructure, access to markets or business development.

The scope of the action is, therefore, ‘Financial Support to Third Parties’ and the winner of the call (‘Project Beneficiary’), which can be a single legal entity or a consortium of legal entities, will receive funding to allocate lump sum grants to EIC Awardees through constantly open calls managed by the project beneficiary to co-finance 50% of the costs of services provided by the EIC Ecosystem Partners.

The action will:

  • Increase access of EIC awardees to new partners and services with sector specific knowledge, expertise, equipment/R&I infrastructure, networks, or markets.
  • Enable faster transition of innovations from lab to market and scale up of EIC companies, increasing the chances for return on EIC investments.
  • Create synergies and further spread excellence within the European Innovation Ecosystem.
  • Allow EIC ecosystem partners access to a deal flow of top-level European innovators (i.e., EIC awardees).

For further information, please visit the Funding and Tenders portal.

Apply by 16 November 2023

Join the dedicated Info Day on 18 September 2023 

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Publication date
16 August 2023